Each year See See Motors puts on an event called The One Moto Show. It boasts the world’s largest and best-known custom motorcycle show, having some 300 builds. No matter where you are in your love for bikes, this show has it all. Since 2019 I have been exhibiting my art within this 3 day event. I love the ‘no limits’ approach, allowing any type of art to be presented.
The work I created for 2019, measured 8’x 10’ and was made up of numerous parts that fit together like a puzzle. Each were hand drawn images using sharpie markers on paper. I then mounted each piece on insulating styrofoam. Motorcycles were then installed around all of the art! Fun to see the event space come to life with the combinations of works and bikes!
I personally loved how I could position different parts of my art around the show. Here is a life sized motorcycle resting against a mural at The Pickle Factory!
Some more work from The One Moto show included silkscreened prints. I exposed screens and printed large scale pieces in my at home studio. Again looking to create works that expressed that moto culture and lifestyle.
I originally met Thor Drake (owner of The One Show) at an event back in 2018, when he was a part of a panel discussion for small businesses. I talked to him specifically about my work and he recommended I apply to the show. Each year it is a highlight to share in the excitement found within this moto community. Don’t tell Thor, but I have never ridden a motorcycle, but always look forward to create new art year after year!