All about spreading dat JOY

Joy spreads and can seep into everything. And that is what we love about it. Just like a good piece of fruit, we are letting the juices flow freely.

Abigail Renola Tjaden

Abigail is an illustrator and graphic design storyteller living in Portland, Oregon. Whimsical illustrations from her sketchbook encourage you to authentically live out your own story. Currently, Abigail is an adjunct professor in the Graphic Design department at Portland State University. When not teaching, you can find her traveling to the next destination, taking hip hop dance classes, and whipping up a batch of cinnamon rolls.



Rest Your Weary Mind

A collection of short essays, illustrations, and journal prompts by artist Abigail Renola Tjaden, Rest Your Weary Mind: Humorously Rewriting the Narrative from Within is for those who find themselves fighting negative self-talk, anxious thoughts, and self-doubt on the daily.

Buy it here
  • Spreading Joy and Kindness

  • Noticing Beauty

  • Encouraging Connection

  • Embracing Playfulness